Welcome To PHVTC School
Pravah Health & Vocational Training Council
Pravah Health & Vocational Training Council -PHVTC (Managed by Pravah Educational and Charitable Trust) is declared on this 2nd day of September 2020. In order to fulfil the Vision and Mission of father Mr. Subhash Chand and mother Smt. Bimlesh Devi by Mr.Gagandeep(Founder and Chairman).
PHVTC aims to provide the quality education and vocational training in the basic and specialised areas. All programs of the body are autonomous and do not fall under the preview of AICTE/UGC/MCI or any other university or board. The body is functioning under it's own constitution and bylaws.
The body conducts examinations, issue certificates/ diploma/ PG diploma to the candidates. Pravah health & vocational training Council affiliate the Institutions and issue guidelines itself to control or regulate the all franchise institutions through distance learning mode or regular mode.PHVTC provide the certificates /diploma/ PG diploma in various programs.

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